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    From The Data :)

Grow your business with the leader in Data Science.

Shukka provides reliable robust competitive data science solutions.

Data Science Strategy Strategy
Data Science Planning Planning
Data Science Build Build
Our Work

Our Services

Predictive Analytics

Helping clients predict future events through available data, and make informed decisions.

Exploratory Analysis

Preprocess raw data and generate visual statistics to understand characteristics of data.

Data Products

Developing web and mobile applications, which heavily rely on data science and analytics.

Reproducible Research

Helping researchers to conduct studies or experiments which can be reproduced.

Protein Bioinformatics

Developing scientific methods for protein sequence and structure modeling.

Computational Phylogenetics

Algorithmically, find local and remote relationships among members of a population.

Statistical Analysis

Conduct statistical analysis of data provided by public and private organizations.

Machine Learning

Learning from historical data, and forecasting values of output variable from predictors.

Land-cover Classification

Classification of remote sensing data for land cover mapping and monitoring.

GIS Applications

Developing GIS based web applications using vector and raster data.

Image Processing

Conducting basic to advance level image processing for wide range of applications.

Change Detection

Help clients detect "change" or "no-change" classes from acquired image data.